Wal-Mart investigating bribery


November 18, 2012

Global retail giant Wal-Mart reveals, it is investigating alleged violations of the US anti- bribery law in India. This move may fetch political parties opposing its entry into retail segment. The government is already facing huge opposition for allowing FDI into Indian market.

November 18, 2012

Global retail giant Wal-Mart reveals, it is investigating alleged violations of the US anti- bribery law in India. This move may fetch political parties opposing its entry into retail segment. The government is already facing huge opposition for allowing FDI into Indian market.

The disclosure suggests Wal-Mart has uncovered formidable evidence against bribery scheme involving the opening of stores in India. This disclosure doesn’t mean that Wal-Mart had definitely paid bribes, but indicates the company had found enough evidence to justify concern about its business practices.

Similar disclosures were observed in China, Brazil and Mexico as well. However BJP criticized the government, for hurrying on allowing FDI in multi brand retail.