Maryland and Virginia issue warnings to residents about seed packages from China


JULY 27, 2020

Maryland and Virginia officials are issuing a warning to residents to report packages of seeds from China received by mail that they did not order.

Mike Ricci, communications director for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, tweeted Monday that residents who receive this package should contact the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Plant Protection and Weed Management Program.

Last week, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was informed that several residents in the Commonwealth did receive packages of seeds by mail that appear to have come from China.

Virginia officials said Friday that the types of seeds in the packages are unknown at this time and could be an “invasive plant species.”

If any residents in Maryland have received this type of package they should contact the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Plant Protection and Weed Management Program at 410-841-5920 or

Virginia residents are urged to contact the Office of Plant Industry Services (OPIS) at 804.786.3515 or through the email.

Courtesy/Source: WJLA