PoK is part of Jammu-Kashmir, says PM Modi at All-Party meeting


August 13, 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who chaired an All-Party meeting Friday on the Kashmir unrest, told the attendees that Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir is also part of Jammu and Kashmir. The prime minister added that "there cannot be any compromise on national security but we have to win confidence of people in Jammu and Kashmir".

August 13, 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who chaired an All-Party meeting Friday on the Kashmir unrest, told the attendees that Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir is also part of Jammu and Kashmir. The prime minister added that "there cannot be any compromise on national security but we have to win confidence of people in Jammu and Kashmir".

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the public meeting to mark launch of 70th Freedom Year Celebrations in Bhabra village, Alirajpur district on Tuesday. (Source: PTI)

An All-Party meeting was called by Home Minister Rajnath Singh earlier this week during a debate on the Kashmir violence in the Rajya Sabha. The Lok Sabha unanimously passed a resolution Friday to instill confidence in the people of Kashmir by adopting steps to restore normalcy in the Valley.

The resolution read out by Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said: "The House conveys its deep sense of anguish and concern over the loss of lives and critical injuries caused by the deteriorating situation. It is of the firm and considered view that there cannot be any compromise on unity, integrity and national security. It is equally an imperative that urgent steps are taken to restore order and peace for the alleviation of the sufferings of the people.”

Kashmir has been on the boil for more than a month with thousands injured and more than 50 killed during protests against the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani. Many protesters lost sight due to pellet injuries and a few had to be airlifted for treatment in AIIMS, New Delhi.

Courtesy: Indian Express