Barack Obama admits he might fail to outlaw assault weapons


January 15, 2013

President Barack Obama may fail to outlaw high-power assault weapons, he admitted, as he was accused by Michael Bloomberg of jeopardizing American lives by not confronting the gun lobby.

Mr. Obama confirmed that he would attempt to go round Congress and enact some by executive action

January 15, 2013

President Barack Obama may fail to outlaw high-power assault weapons, he admitted, as he was accused by Michael Bloomberg of jeopardizing American lives by not confronting the gun lobby.

Mr. Obama confirmed that he would attempt to go round Congress and enact some by executive action

Confirming that he would propose a ban on firearms such as that used in the massacre of 20 young pupils at a school in Connecticut last month, the president warned that it may be blocked by Congress.

Mr. Obama said he was committed to banning assault weapons, tightening background checks and regulating high-capacity ammunition, as well as other proposals drawn up by Joe Biden, the vice-president.

"Will all of them get through this Congress? I don't know," he said at the White House. "My starting point is not to worry about the politics. My starting point is to figure out what makes sense."

His comments came amid reports Harry Reid, his party's leader in the Senate, was warning privately that he may not be able to deliver an assault weapons ban through the upper chamber, despite the Democrats' majority.

Democrats in conservative states fear that supporting it could end their careers.

The House of Representatives, which is controlled by the Republicans – many of whom enjoy the lucrative backing of the National Rifle Association – is still less likely to support the reintroduction of a ban, which was allowed to lapse in 2004.

Michael Bloomberg speaks at a gun violence summit at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore

Mr. Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City and America's most prominent gun control advocate, yesterday accused Washington politicians of doing the "gun lobby's bidding" to deadly effect.

He heaped further pressure on Mr. Obama by demanding that the president show "real leadership" on tackling gun violence during his second term, adding: "It has to start this week".

"Enough is enough," Mr. Bloomberg told a policy summit in Baltimore, Maryland. "It is time for Congress and the White House to put public health above special interest politics".

He detailed a seven-point plan for new measures, including the aggressive pursuit of people found to be lying in gun purchase applications. Of 76,000 such cases referred to the US justice department by the FBI in 2010, just 44 resulted in prosecutions. "This is a joke, and it's a sad joke," said Mr. Bloomberg.

Noting that Mr. Obama is to be sworn in for another four-year term next week, he added: "Unless we take action, during those four years some 48,000 Americans will be killed with guns – nearly twice as many people as were killed in combat during the entire Vietnam War".

Urging Washington to show "political courage", he too called for new controls on "military-style" firearms and the sort of high-capacity magazines used in several high-profile mass killings since 2010.

"These guns and equipment are not designed for sport or home defence," Mr. Bloomberg said. "They are designed to kill large numbers of people quickly. That's the only purpose they have".

Mr. Obama said he was considering how best to implement plans drawn up by Mr. Biden following the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary last month. He confirmed that he would attempt to go round Congress and enact some by executive action – a move that would likely enrage pro-gun Republicans.

The mother of a British boy killed in the Sandy Hook massacre yesterday joined other grieving mothers to launch a pressure group calling for action to prevent future mass killings.

Speaking at the launch of The Sandy Hook Promise, Nicole Hockley, the mother of six-year-old Dylan Hockley, said: "I'm proud to be part of this town and I'm proud to stand before you to stand for my son Dylan and pledge my enduring support for this promise." The group made no specific calls for new laws, calling instead for "conversations on all the issues".

Courtesy: Daily Telegraph