iPhone 5 concerns over poor build quality


October 2, 2012

The Tech Giant Apple did record breaking sales on the sales of the new Apple iPhone 5. The phone created a lot of expectations even before it's launch. The new twist is that there are complaints piling on this new phone on various aspects.

October 2, 2012

The Tech Giant Apple did record breaking sales on the sales of the new Apple iPhone 5. The phone created a lot of expectations even before it's launch. The new twist is that there are complaints piling on this new phone on various aspects.

The main flaw now, is about the camera quality. The pictures taken on the new iPhone is said to be ringed with a purple haze when taken under bright light. This is not the only flaw. There is a major complaint on the display of the phone, the ear phone slot, the Map Application which is still not complete and the battery back up of the phone.

This does suggest that Apple has pretty poor quality control checks in place at the moment and while it should be easy enough to get a replacement for any defective or damaged iPhone 5 received, it shouldn’t be the case that consumers have to sort this problem out in the first place. Another issue lies with those who intend to import the device to another country and this is where a statement from Apple would be welcomed. Although Apple has already issued a statement regarding criticism about its new iOS 6 Maps app.

Apple has not yet officially given a comment, although the firm's tech support teams have allegedly told users the problem is 'widespread'.