India 5th in cyber crime affected countries’ list


May 7, 2012

India’s cyber woes claim fifth spot in a worldwide ranking of countries afflicted with cyber crime, claims a report by the Security and Defence Agenda (SDA) and McAfee. The report, ‘Cyber Security: The Vexed Question of Global Rules’, states that premium on Internet privacy in the country is quite low.

May 7, 2012

India’s cyber woes claim fifth spot in a worldwide ranking of countries afflicted with cyber crime, claims a report by the Security and Defence Agenda (SDA) and McAfee. The report, ‘Cyber Security: The Vexed Question of Global Rules’, states that premium on Internet privacy in the country is quite low.

Brussels-based SDA spoke to leading global security experts to ensure that findings would offer useful recommendations and actions. At the Cyber Security Summit which concluded in Bangalore on Friday, officials from the National Security Committee claimed that the government is firstly looking at capacity building that will lead to the draft of the national cyber security policy which is currently under discussion.

The report also states that India is well aware that cyber crime affects the reputation of the country which does business with foreign investors who invest heavily in cyber security. It further raises a grave issue of lack of a single operator to effectively control Internet, telecom and power sectors. Ernst and Young warns that it can cost companies as much as 5 per cent of their profits if they are vulnerable to cyber crimes.

Minister of State for Communications and IT, Sachin Pilot stated that as much as 133 Indian government websites fell prey to hackers in the first three months of 2012.