India raises with Nepal killing of Bihar man at border


JUNE 14,2020

India has raised the issue of the killing of a Bihar man at the Nepal border earlier this week, sources said. This has been conveyed to the Nepalese side through diplomatic channels.

On Friday, Nepal Armed Police Force, which guards the border, killed an Indian civilian and injured two others near the border across Sitamarhi district of Bihar.

The development comes against the backdrop of the increasing tension between India and Nepal over the latter’s claim to the strategically-important Kalapani and Lipulekh areas, among others, on the border.

Sources said the incident occurred inside Nepal in Sarlahi area, across the border from Sitamarhi. Members of a family from Sitamarhi, which has relatives across the border, had entered Nepal when they were stopped by Nepal APF. An altercation ensued.

The deceased has been identified as Vikesh Yadav and the injured as Umesh Ram and Uday Thakur.

The Indian establishment had chosen to play down the incident. “This is a completely local issue with no country-to-country or force-to-force ramifications. The issue arose on the spot and the local police from either side are engaged with each other to sort the matter out. Our DIG is also in touch with DIG of Nepal APF and there is absolutely no tension on the border,” SSB DG Chandra had said.

Courtesy/Source: The Indian Express