‘If my Luck can Benefit the Country, Why Elect Someone Unlucky,’ Says PM Modi


February 1, 2015

NEW DELHI: In his second rally in as many days ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tore into the opposition Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party, alleging the two parties were competing to tell lies and were in league when it came to conspiring behind the scenes.

February 1, 2015

NEW DELHI: In his second rally in as many days ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tore into the opposition Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party, alleging the two parties were competing to tell lies and were in league when it came to conspiring behind the scenes.

"They wake up in the morning and think of what lies to propagate. Never before has any Delhi election seen such a heavy dependence on lies and falsehoods," he said at the rally in West Delhi's Dwarka.

On stage with the Prime Minister were the BJP's chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi, the party's Delhi unit chief Satish Upadhyay, and senior leaders including Prabhat Jha and Rajiv Pratap Rudy and the 12 candidates of the region from the BJP and ally Akali Dal.

The Prime Minister introduced each of them, calling them out to the front before he started his speech.

Asking for votes in the name of good governance and development, he said the opposition was attributing the fall in prices of petrol internationally to his luck.

"If my luck can benefit the country, why do you want to elect someone unlucky," he said to huge cheers from the audience. "The Congress does not understand that I'm lucky because I have the people's blessings".

The Prime Minister was welcomed by Kiran Bedi, his choice for the top post in Delhi should the BJP win the elections. In a reference to her past as the traffic police chief, the Prime Minister said he could leave the city's traffic troubles to her.

His concern, he said, was that every family should have a home by the 75th year of India's Independence. The year that was wasted was a setback by 25 years, he said.

Referring to the Union government's track record of the last seven months, he talked of the successful implementation of projects like the Jan Dhan Yojana and the country's standing with key foreign powers.

"No matter which world leader stands in front on me… I can look them in the eye and talk as an equal," he said in an indirect reference to the recent visit by US President Barack Obama.

Electing the BJP, he hinted, was also important since the legislators would be directly under his control.

"Those who are elected in Delhi – won't they be afraid of Modi? Won't they think many times over before slacking in their work or doing anything wrong?" Any other government, he said, would not have anything to worry about.

Without naming the Aam Aadmi Party, he said governance was a serious business and cannot be achieved by those who run away. Also, it wasn't possible to have a dialogue with a government that's "more interested in protests and agitations". "They will only be interested in grabbing airtime on television. They won't have time for people," he said.

Courtesy: NDTV