First China-made passenger jet leaves production line


November 2, 2015

The first plane produced by a Chinese government initiative to compete in the market for large passenger jetliners has been unveiled in Shanghai.

State-owned Comac's first 158-seated narrow body jet is meant to rival similar plane models by Airbus and Boeing.

November 2, 2015

The first plane produced by a Chinese government initiative to compete in the market for large passenger jetliners has been unveiled in Shanghai.

State-owned Comac's first 158-seated narrow body jet is meant to rival similar plane models by Airbus and Boeing.

The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) showed off its twin-engine C919 in a ceremony on Monday attended by some 4,000 government officials and other guests at a hangar near the Pudong International Airport.

China's aviation market is growing fast but relies on Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

The ruling Communist Party wants to claw back some of the commercial benefits that flow to foreign suppliers.

The state-owned manufacturer says it has received orders from 21 customers for a total of 517 aircraft, mostly from Chinese carriers but also from GE Capital Aviation Services.

Courtesy: Al Jaazeera