Obama credits supporters for thwarting health care repeal


July 28, 2017

Barack Obama on Friday credited supporters of the Affordable Care Act for saving his signature legislation from Republican-led efforts to dismantle it, while the former president acknowledged that the law can be improved.

President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

July 28, 2017

Barack Obama on Friday credited supporters of the Affordable Care Act for saving his signature legislation from Republican-led efforts to dismantle it, while the former president acknowledged that the law can be improved.

President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

Obamacare remains the law "because of everyone who mobilized, organized and made their voices heard," a spokesman for Obama said in a statement after the GOP's failed attempt to repeal parts of the legislation.

"President Obama has always said we should build on this law, just as members of both parties worked together to improve Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid over the years," Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said. "President Obama still believes that it is possible for Congress to demonstrate the necessary bipartisanship and political courage to keep delivering on the promise of quality, affordable health insurance for every American."

GOP efforts to repeal parts of Obamacare fell short early Friday when three Republican senators, along with all Democrats, voted against it.

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) speaks with reporters after voting against the "skinny repeal" health care bill on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Healthcare on the Hill

Democratic groups flooded the halls at the Capitol and GOP town hall events around the country to protest the GOP's repeal efforts.

"The Affordable Care Act has always been about something bigger than politics — it's about the character of our country … It's about the dreams protected, and the untold misery and ruin prevented," the statement said.

Obama had remained largely on the sidelines during the debate over Obamacare this year.

Courtesy/Source: NBC News