It’s official: India is a terrible place for expats


August 26, 2015

India is among the 10 worst countries for expatriates to live and work in—for a second straight year.


August 26, 2015

India is among the 10 worst countries for expatriates to live and work in—for a second straight year.


India ranks 55th on a list of 64 best countries for expats, according to the 2015 Expat Insider survey conducted by InterNations GmBH, a Germany-based expat social group. The survey covered 14,000 respondents.

Ecuador topped the list for a second year in a row, while Kuwait was at the bottom. Here is the complete ranking:

The Expat Insider survey’s rankings were based on nine parameters, which included subcategories like work-life balance, job security and quality and cost of childcare and education.

Top Expat Destinations 2015 – infographic

The table below shows India’s ranking on various parameters for 2015, compared to a year ago:

The survey for 2015 included a new category—the best places for expatriate women versus men. Not surprisingly, women expatriates find it harder to live in India compared to their male peers. India stood 49th in the ranking for countries favourable for male expatriates, but in the ranking for women expatriates, India ranked 53rd.

The survey also said the country was one of the worst country for expatriates’ kids in terms of their health and safety. “Only half (of the expatriate parents) are generally satisfied and a dismal 5% say the conditions are very good,” the survey said.

India also apparently isn’t the best place for expats to find love.

“Romantic problems seem to take a backseat for most expats. Still, 38% of single respondents say the expat lifestyle makes having a relationship rather difficult…,” the Expat Insider survey said. “Moreover, India seems to be a destination where finding a partner seems especially hard, according to 49% of single survey respondents.”

Courtesy: Quartz