Modi slams Rahul over 1984 riots; asks, ‘Did your party in anger kill Sikhs?’


October 25, 2013

LUCKNOW: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Friday, while addressing a rally at Jhansi in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, launched a direct attack on Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.

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October 25, 2013

LUCKNOW: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Friday, while addressing a rally at Jhansi in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, launched a direct attack on Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.

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Modi slammed Rahul for accusing the BJP of spreading hatred and engineering riots. He also took a dig at Rahul's statement that the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI has been trying to "trap" some Muslim youth who are victims of riots in Muzaffarnagar.

"First Congress should tell the country how come Indian intelligence agencies are briefing the 'shahzada' (Rahul) who does not hold any office and has not taken an oath of secrecy. Shahzada should know that his party's government is in power. What has it done to stop the ISI from reaching out to Muslim victims in Muzaffarnagar. He (Rahul) should name the Indian intelligence officer. By linking ISI with the Muslim youth, shahzada has raised questions over the integrity of Indian Muslims. Congress should come clear on the issue," Modi said.

Raising the issue of anti-Sikh riots, Modi tried to blunt the Congress attack on the BJP and on his government in Gujrat for the 2002 riots. He also tried to take the steam out of Rahul's accusation that the BJP is spreading hatred against Muslims and engineering riots for electoral gains.

"The Congress leader says that some people are spreading hatred. He also says that he gets angry when he sees some people provoking others. Congress leaders should explain the 'anger' which killed thousands of Sikhs in 1984. Has anyone been convicted for the Sikh genocide so far? He (Rahul) is crying for the assassination of his grandmother but has he shed tears for those killed in the 84 riots," he said.

"Want to ask shahzada, did your party killed Sikhs in anger when your grandmother died?"

He alleged that the Congress, the SP and the BSP were dividing people on caste and communal lines, whereas the BJP and he himself were talking about development. He also said that Rahul should apologize for his "ISI comment".

Modi also criticized Rahul for narrating stories about how his mother (Sonia) was in tears when the food security law was enacted and how deeply pained he was when his father and grandmother were assassinated. "I am not here to tell you any sob story but to wipe your tears," Modi told the people while referring to Rahul's statements.

He said that he is pained by the sufferings of the people of Bundelkhand and would do everything possible for their development, if voted to power.

Modi was more aggressive on Friday in comparison to his previous rally in Kanpur. Bundelkhand is an extremely backward region and is dominated by dalits and backward classes. With voters in mind, Modi referred himself to be a poor person coming from a backward class community. Some BJP leaders belonging to backward classes like Uma Bharti, Vinay Katiyar and Kalyan Singh were also present on the stage along with Modi.

Modi accused the Congress led UPA government of giving development package for the Bundelkhand region in UP to appease the BSP and the SP leaders. "The money of the package was pocketed by the leaders of Congress, BSP and SP, while the area is still under developed. In comparison, the development package given for the part of the Bundelkhand in Madhya Pradesh, which is ruled by the BJP, was put to use," he claimed.

Modi said that the trio (Congress, BSP and SP) were not interested in poor, farmers and villages.

"They come during elections and talk about packages. This time, you should bundle up the trio and throw them away," he urged the audience. "Don't get swayed by the false promises these parties make during elections," he added.

Modi said that if the farmers in Bundelkhand were still committing suicides, it is because the money given in the name of the development package was pocketed by the trio. He said that UP had a potential to lead the country but was under developed because of lopsided priorities of the parties which ruled the state. Modi said that people had given 60 years to the Congress but it failed to develop the Bundelkhand.

"Give BJP only 60 months and I promise that we will transform the region," he assured. He said that the youth from Bundelkhand are going to other states for earning livelihood. "Give BJP a chance, we will provide employment here."

Modi said that prime minister and the planning commission amounted to mocking poverty by claiming that people earning Rs 32 per day and Rs 26 per day are not poor. "After 60 years of rule, Congress says that it has given the right to food to the poor. What was it doing for so many years," he asked.

Courtesy: TNN