Mitt Romney’s advice to college graduates: marry young, have a ‘quiver full of kids’


April 30, 2013

The former presidential candidate told the 2013 graduates of Southern Virginia University that marriage and children are the keys to ‘abundant living.’ And he warned them not to wait long to get started.

April 30, 2013

The former presidential candidate told the 2013 graduates of Southern Virginia University that marriage and children are the keys to ‘abundant living.’ And he warned them not to wait long to get started.

‘If you meet a person you love, get married,” Mitt Romney told graduates of Southern Virginia University. ‘Have a quiver full of kids if you can.’

Mitt Romney shared his secrets for “abundant living” with the 2013 graduates of Southern Virginia University this weekend, and at the top of his list was marrying young and having “a quiver full of kids.”

The former presidential candidate quoted Scripture when he advised the school’s mostly Mormon students to “launch out into the deep” instead of living “in the shallows.”

He said staying single until your 30s may be a mistake.

“I’m so glad I found Ann when I was still so young,” he said of his wife.

 “Some people could marry but choose to take more time, they say, for themselves. Others plan to wait until they’re well into their 30s or 40s until they think about getting married,” he continued. “They’re going to miss so much of living, I’m afraid.”

“If you meet a person you love, get married,” he said. “Have a quiver full of kids if you can.”

“Every one of you here today as a graduate can live an abundant life,” he told the students. “Every single one of you. You will not all be rich and famous and powerful, but each of you can live an eminently successful, rewarding, abundant life.”

Courtesy: NYDN