Pakistan’s Musharraf wants heart treatment abroad


January 24, 2014

ISLAMABAD: Lawyers in the high treason case of former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf say he is pushing to leave the country so he can undergo treatment for a heart condition abroad.

The military hospital treating Musharraf submitted a second report to the court about his condition on Friday. It was also given to his lawyers.

January 24, 2014

ISLAMABAD: Lawyers in the high treason case of former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf say he is pushing to leave the country so he can undergo treatment for a heart condition abroad.

The military hospital treating Musharraf submitted a second report to the court about his condition on Friday. It was also given to his lawyers.

Prosecutor Akram Sheikh says Musharraf wants to leave the country for treatment.

Two defense lawyers who did not want to be identified because the report was not public said the board recommended Musharraf urgently undergo an angiography.

They would not say if the report recommended where the test be done.

Musharraf was taken to the hospital in Rawalpindi, a garrison city near Islamabad, after suffering a "heart problem'' on the way to court in early January.

Courtesy: AP