Barack Obama symbolically signs up for Obamacare


December 24, 2013

Washington: US President Barack Obama has symbolically signed up for health insurance to promote his own controversial health care reform legislation, a White House official said on Monday.

The US government extended the deadline by 24 hours.

December 24, 2013

Washington: US President Barack Obama has symbolically signed up for health insurance to promote his own controversial health care reform legislation, a White House official said on Monday.

The US government extended the deadline by 24 hours.

The official said Obama – on vacation with his family in Hawaii for the holidays – signed up over the weekend for "a health care plan made available by the Affordable Care Act on the DC marketplace."

The gesture was a "symbolic" one, the official said on condition of anonymity, as Obama receives health care from the military, as all presidents do. He also has a White House medical team at his disposal.

"But he was pleased to participate in a plan as a show of support for these marketplaces, which are providing quality, affordable health care options to more than a million people," the official said.

The Affordable Care Act, Obama's top domestic achievement to date, is designed to offer insurance to millions of Americans who have never been able to secure it before – some because of pre-existing health conditions like heart disease that insurers were unwilling to cover.

But a litany of problems with the government website,, has played into the hands of Republicans, who say the federal government has no business intervening in the private health care market and should not be dictating health choices to Americans.

Obama told reporters on Friday at a year-end press conference that more than a million American had chosen new insurance plans using the new health care system.

The announcement about Obama's symbolic sign-up came on the day a deadline was meant to pass for people signing up for plans beginning January 1.

But the government extended the deadline by 24 hours, until late Tuesday, to avoid a crush of users on the website and possible problems, the Washington Post reported.

When asked by AFP about the deadline extension, the Obama administration did not offer immediate comment.

Courtesy: AFP