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Home Business Opinions | It’s time to cast Trump aside

Opinions | It’s time to cast Trump aside


NOVEMBER 15, 2020

Patrons celebrate and react to President-elect Joe Biden being named winner over President Trump on Black Lives Matter Plaza in front of the White House on Saturday. – Jabin Botsford/TWP
I voted for President Trump in 2016 (curse me, blame me, but keep reading) for reasons I cannot now fathom, except maybe the “outsider” status was appealing. In a few short months, I realized the gravity of my misjudgment. It was clear early on Mr. Trump could not be presidential. He was inept, bumbling, mean and petty. Mr. Trump displays clear signs of not just very low intelligence but also of an utter lack of a moral core, personal ethics, integrity, empathy and humor.

Second time around, why didn’t he win? People like me, for one. He begged women to “like him” as he repulsed us with his misogyny, disgust for the weaker among us and regular displays of ignorance on every topic he attempted to address. We also are disgusted by his toadies who suffer him with an utter lack of principle, morals and character because winning is more important to them than anything.

Mr. Trump is a weak, impotent man who uses his mouth to bully, intimidate and control. There’s actual news that a lot Americans miss because we allow the toddler to control our front pages. It’s just time to push him aside as he deserves, move ahead and start repairing the damage he has done during his four-year tantrum.

Cindy Martin, Christiansburg, Va.

Courtesy/Source: Washington Post