The Indian Ocean island with an underwater waterfall


Janaury 10, 2018

Mauritius is home to one of the most mysterious natural phenomenons on the planet. underwater waterfall. Just off the southern tip of the island, you'll find what can only be described as an underwater waterfall, with what looks like water cascading to the depths of the ocean floor.

Janaury 10, 2018

Mauritius is home to one of the most mysterious natural phenomenons on the planet. underwater waterfall. Just off the southern tip of the island, you'll find what can only be described as an underwater waterfall, with what looks like water cascading to the depths of the ocean floor.

But all may not be exactly as it seems. "What you're witnessing, that looks like an underwater waterfall, is actually sand from the shores of Mauritius being driven via ocean currents off of that high, coastal shelf, and down into the darker ocean depths off the southern tip of the island," explains ScienceBlogs on its website.

This incredible sight, particularly spectacular from the air, is not just nature playing an optical illusion on us, but also a fascinating natural occurence in its own right. Whilst most of the waters around Mauritius reach maximum depths of 150m, the shelf at its southern tip suddenly plunges thousands of metres to the bottom of the ocean.

If you're worried that Mauritius is about to lose all of its beautiful white sand to the depths of the ocean, don't.

Courtesy/Source: EasyVoyager