West Bengal CM protests petrol price hike


May 25, 2012

Within minutes of oil firms hiking petrol prices by upto Rs 7.50 per litre, UPA’s biggest ally Mamata Banerjee said the price increase was unacceptable. “We cannot accept the petrol price hike,” West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said.

May 25, 2012

Within minutes of oil firms hiking petrol prices by upto Rs 7.50 per litre, UPA’s biggest ally Mamata Banerjee said the price increase was unacceptable. “We cannot accept the petrol price hike,” West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said.

Petrol price hike is "unjust and unilateral. It was done without our knowledge,” Mamata alleged. "We don't want to topple the government like CPI(M). It will create economic and political instability,” she added. The WB CM said the petrol price hike would burden the common man. The opposition Left and the BJP also blasted the government for the sharp hike in petrol prices.

BJP flayed the steep hike terming it as "unreasonable" which will make the life of the common man "miserable". "This whole petrol price hike is clearly unreasonable, arbitrary and is condemned as it will put further inflationary pressure and lead to further rise in prices. Life of the common man will become more difficult and miserable," BJP's chief Spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad said.

He said the petrol price hike "will have a cascading effect and prices are going to go out of control. It is condemnable." He alleged the government's inept handling of the economic situation was responsible for this. "The gross mismanagement of food and general economy by the UPA regime has led to the decline of the Rupee," he said, adding it has also led to the rise in prices of petroleum products.

He wondered why the government was unable to check the decline of the Rupee as compared to other currencies of the world while smaller countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh and China were not witnessing such a decline of the value of their currencies. UPA's outside supporter Samajwadi Party dubbed the steep petrol price hike as a "gift" to the common man from the government on completion of its three years in office and demanded its immediate roll back.

"We demand immediate roll back of petrol price hike. The decision is anti-people. UPA government has given this gift to the common man on completion of its three years' rule," SP spokesman Rajendra Chowdhury said. He said the party would protest the decision and raise its voice against the unreasonable hike.

Courtesy: PTI