Early Reported HIV Is Curable


March 17, 2013

An early diagnosed HIV is curable the PloS Pathogens claims.

AIDS is the most advanced stage of the HIV disease. The HIV attacks the immune system of the body. The immunity goes as low as the individual develops one or more of about 25 ‘opportunistic infections’ (OIs). HIV infection usually progresses to AIDS in an average of 10 years

March 17, 2013

An early diagnosed HIV is curable the PloS Pathogens claims.

AIDS is the most advanced stage of the HIV disease. The HIV attacks the immune system of the body. The immunity goes as low as the individual develops one or more of about 25 ‘opportunistic infections’ (OIs). HIV infection usually progresses to AIDS in an average of 10 years

The recent studies claim, an early diagnosed and reported HIV is curable. An HIV infected patient has to be put under treatment to the soonest of the positive diagnosis. The research conducted small proportion of patients diagnosed early, the number of infected cells circulating in the blood, known as "post-treatment controllers", kept falling even without treatment for many years. The virus but will remain detectable. Researchers have cautioned that the mechanism of the patients fighting the virus without drugs remains unclear.

The recent survey indicates a fall of 20% in a decade in new infections and also the death due to AIDS has come down to 1.7 million in 2011 as compared to 2.3 million in 2005.